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AFDO Annual Training Offerings

Environmental Sampling: A Tool for Solving Outbreaks at the Retail Food Level

This course will be held in multiple locations throughout the country. If you are interested, please contact AFDO at for suggested dates and locations.

This course is intended to provide hands-on experience with planning and conducting environmental sampling activities primarily in a retail setting.

Learn how to build a sampling team and plan for an environmental sampling exercise, target sampling areas based on specific pathogens, and how sampling can contribute to an overall environmental assessment of a facility. This one-day workshop includes a half-day of classroom and hands-on learning, followed by a half-day of putting those skills into action in a real kitchen/food production environment.

Download the printable agenda

Field-level staff who conduct environmental sampling/environmental assessments and supervisors/coordinators who plan sampling assignments and outbreak responses, particularly at retail facilities.




Dependent on location. AFDO will work with the workshop host to determine costs. Workshops can often be supported through appropriate grants, cooperative agreements, and/or registration fees.

Inspectors, Leaders
